I wish for hope … May it reach and touch u❤️

All of us are hurting some way or the other….

And it completely disheartens me that  we just can’t  ease any of those sufferings (even a bit)

so that self guilt is what compelled me to write this piece … to let them know that I really feel u and much of what u are battling   although I really can’t do enough to unburden that load i just want u to know that even if u  are struggling alone I promise ur  grace  will surely reach and touch u  and that life would happen once again for she always has got ur back and that in whatever situation u are may u have immense strength to overcome ur hardships coz u know although none know what u are going through but sufferings . . They aren’t any different it’s that same hollowness that same bitter feeling of disgust with life …

No body can get u and none will for how can they ….. Everybody is trudging their own different path they have their own mountains to climb but if someone says ur problems aren’t that significant trust me they are so damn wrong coz u warrior u are fighting your own crisis.

The world is grappling a pandemic but nobody will tell u… u’ve been living one all ur lifetime just coz it’s not raked everyone at once with the same magnitude and intensity doesn’t mean ur issue is any less significant

I’m sure world will heal if collective action is taken and communities come together but for u the struggle to overcome will always be in isolation so I just want that may u always hold on firmly to the baton of faith and hope and just believe that things would change and change for better coz u know…

nothing…  nothing ever lasts forever nor will ur hardships stand the test.They will ease I don’t know when but I’m sure they will just plz don’t give up on urself u’r a wonder that makes wonder happen so just plz hold on I promise life it will happen.

2 thoughts on “I wish for hope … May it reach and touch u❤️

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